Well…. JESUS THE GOOD SHEPHERD, This Photo was shot on Washington Street in Boston, MA, USA. The Photo is of a Man caring a huge sign with a quote from The Bible.
This to me, is a Street Photograph, In the Genre of Street Photography. Sure enough, it says what it says but it is no more or less than Pro or Anti-Abortion Street demonstrations signs, Anti or Pro Trump signs, Black or White Demonstrations signs , LGBT Signs…. etc etc & the list goes on, ALL SHOT ON THE STREET.
The Black & White Photography magazine in England, as i understand it, Turned this Advert down on the basis of “Religious Connotation” Grounds NOT on the basis of it being in Colour which might have been easier to accept. However, The Royal Photographic Society’s JOURNAL, July 2018 issue, accepted the copy for what it is & ran the advert in the Magazine.
Political Correctness, Has NOT gone ALL MAD!
Our gratitude to the Journal for their bravery to uphold the integrity of Street Photography !
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